Robaina Insurance Agency
Robaina Insurance Agency

• Affordable Prices / Precios Afordables
• 24/7 Customer Support / Servicio al cliente
• Competent Professionals / Profesionales competentes
We protect more than your car
We protect more than your car
We have years of insurance experience helping clients to prepare for the unknown. Ask us about:
- Auto Insurance
- Home Insurance
- Business Lines
- Boat Insurance
- Life Insurance
- Motorcycle
We have access to a wide list of insurance products. Let us help you to find the right one.
Our Services
Our Services
Car Insurance
Car Insurance
The state's required minimum coverages may not be enough to best protect you, your family and your car, but here we can help you to adjust your limits and deductibles to meet your insurance needs.
Las coberturas mÃnimas requeridas por el estado pueden no ser suficientes para protegerlo a usted, a su familia y a su automóvil, en nuestra agency podemos ayudarlo a ajustar sus lÃmites y deducibles para satisfacer sus necesidades de seguro.
Home Insurance / Condos / Renters
Home Insurance / Condos / Renters
Homeowners insurance is designed to protect you and your family from unexpected events that can damage your home, belongings, or hurt you financially.
El seguro para propietarios de viviendas está diseñado para protegerlo a usted y a su familia de eventos inesperados que pueden dañar su hogar, sus pertenencias o perjudicarle financieramente.
Business Lines
Business Lines
Your business is your livelihood and your protection is the guarantee of a prosperous future open to new possibilities. We can protect you from losses on your property, third-party property and liabilities.
Su negocio es su sustento y su protección es la garantÃa de un futuro próspero abierto a nuevas posibilidades. Podemos protegerlo de pérdidas en su propiedad, propiedad de terceros y responsabilidades financieras.
Boat Insurance
Boat Insurance
Sail calm and well protected. Insure your boat and also ensure your peace of mind.
Navegue tranquilo y bien protegido. Asegure su barco y también asegure su tranquilidad.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance
Make sure that your loved ones are financially safeguarded if you unexpectedly leave them behind. Do not wait any longer. Get today your "Peace of Mind"
Asegúrese de que sus seres queridos estén financieramente protegidos si inesperadamente los deja atrás. No espere más. y regalese hoy su "tranquilidad mental"
Motorcycles have become more popular than ever in US. In Florida, motorcycle insurance is not mandatory but if you want to protect yourself, your property and the financial responsibilities to third parties call us today.
Las motocicletas se han vuelto más populares que nunca en los Estados Unidos. En Florida, el seguro de motocicleta no es obligatorio, pero si usted quiere protegerse, proteger su propiedad y las responsabilidades financieras de terceros pongase en contacto con nosotros hoy.
Our Mission
Our Mission
We’ve loved every minute of our journey
We’ve loved every minute of our journey

Building Relationships
Building Relationships
Everyone has different insurance needs. Call us today for a personalized business or individual assessment and find out how we can help protect your hard-won assets.
Assessing Need
Assessing Need
Many financial experts will tell you some unforeseen events and a lack of the right kind of insurance can spell trouble quickly. Call us today, and we'll analyze your insurance needs and get you covered quickly at the right price and START SAVING MONEY TODAY!!!!!!!!